Friday, May 6, 2011

Snail Braille reader could read books to the blind

Snail Braille reader could read books to the blind


( -- To most of us, Braille is largely a mystery. It feels really cool, but the idea of actually reading it is kind of a pipe dream. Our sense of touch simply is not as sensitive as that of a blind person. That is not a problem if you happen to have picked up a Braille book out of curiosity. If however, you have recently lost your eyesight, then this is a major problem. As with learning any new language, it takes time to adapt.

That time can be very frustrating, since writing and reading are still important forms of communication in our society. That is where a tool such as the Snail Braille reader could come in handy.

Snail Braille reader could read books to the blind

This tool takes Braille text, and by rolling over a straight line of Braille text, the machine is able to read the Braille, and then translate it into speech. The machine, which is capable of storing text for latter replay, can also be paired with a standardheadset, similar to the ones you get with your cell phone. That is good news for students who want to study without having to search for the page in a book, or for people who like to hear the instructions while they are completing a task.

Snail Braille reader could read books to the blind

The machine would also feature kinetic recharging, which could possibly allow the reader to charge the device while they are using it. The only snag currently is that this device has not been created. It is currently in the design and prototype stages of development. With proper funding however, this tool could become indispensable to the newly blind.


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